When you are expanding your party plan wahm business to include online marketing, one of the first things you should do is lock down your local market. You are probably already generating local leads with drop cards, post cards, newspaper ads and a number of other offline advertising methods, right? There are also, most likely, other reps from your company, living in your city, who are doing the same things. Here is something to think about.
While these activities increase awareness of your opportunity and/or team, the chances of a prospect hearing about your company and, shortly after, searching Google for it also increases. You want to be there when they do.
For instance, imagine a person picking up another local reps card and calling them. If that rep is any good she will not try to sell the person on the spot but will invite him to a presentation later that night or week. Whether that person agrees (or has to think about it) I guarantee, more times than not, the next step they make is to do a Google search for your company. You want your youtube videos, articles and blogs to show up.
Google returns results that it thinks are most relevant to the searcher so a person who lives in "Smileville" would type into Google 'your company name Smileville ' and wait for what pops up. Hopefully, you are there. It is very easy to get into the top 10 Google listings for your company for your city or surrounding cities because most network marketers are not optimizing their online ads for party plan local leads. There are taking more of a shotgun approach.
Your you tube video titles, descriptions, keywords should include your city and state. You should target your city and state with at least one video, article and facebook ad each week. Try it and you will be amazed how easy it is to generate local leads online. Especially if you live in a small to medium size city.
If your video, article or ad is in the top 10 search results, it does not matter if the person searching was not originally your prospect. They are yours now. Do yourself a favor. If you want to generate MLM local leads online, lock down your city first.